iPhone Passcode

How to switch from a numeric passcode to alphanumeric passcode

Smartphones these days store an incredible amount of information, and with much of it sensitive and confidential, these devices ought to be password-protected.
Although Apple has numerous protections in place, from the old-style 4-digit passcode, to 6-digit passcode to Touch ID, the alphanumeric passcode is a much more secured way of protecting your iPhone.

In this article you’ll learn how to switch from 4-digit and 6-digit passcode a to alphanumeric password or passphrase on your iPhone or iPad. Before we proceed, figure out a strong password or passcode you want to use. Check out this article;  “Never Use Pathetic Passwords, Make Them Strong”  if you need help choosing a strong password.

1. Launch Settings on your iPhone.
2. Goto Touch ID & Passcode.
3. Enter your existing passcode.
4. Tap Change Passcode.

iOS Touch ID Setting          iPhone Passcode           Passcode options

5. Enter your old passcode.
6. Tap Passcode Options and select Custom Alphanumeric Code.
7. Enter your new strong alphanumeric password or passphrase.
8. Re-enter you new password to verify.
9. Done!

iPhone alphanumeric code             iPhone new Password            iPhone Verify password

It is very important to make sure that your passcode is hard for others to guess but easy for you to remember.

After setting up a complex passcode, your new passcode lock screen will look like the image below, giving you a full text and numeric keyboard for entry.

Enter iPhone Passcode


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