
Just over three years ago Microsoft launched the Office Mix Preview to help everyone from educators to business create and share interactive online recordings of their presentations. Effective May 1, 2018 this service would no longer be available. Microsoft Therefore requires all Office Mix users to either migrate all their contents to Microsoft Stream or download their Mixes before May 1 o avoid losing their data. Starting today, users will no longer be able to upload new content to Office Mix Microsoft prepare to retire the product on M‍ay 1, 20‍18.

Here is how to migrate your content:

1. Go to > Sign in > Click “My Mixes”

2. Click “Migrate” to move your Mixes to Microsoft Stream or manually download your content as PowerPoint Files (.pptx)

3. Visit your Microsoft Stream account to view your Mixes as videos


What’s going to happen to your account?

On M‍ay 1, 20‍18 any remaining files in your Office Mix Preview account will automatically get deleted. Mixes migrated to Microsoft Stream will not include any interactive content such as analytics data, quizzes or apps. If you do not have access to Stream, you can save your Mixes as PowerPoint files (.pptx), and your analytics data as Excel files (.xlsx) to your device or a file storage location of your choice at any time before M‍ay 1, 20‍18.


Source: Microsoft Office 365

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