How to capture pictures on your iPhone with headphone volume buttons

Taking selfies with the iPhone’s camera App shutter button isn’t always convenient —particularly if you’re trying to operate it one-handed. Alternatively, you can use the volume buttons, but there’s another easy and simple way to take a picture, which you might not be aware of.

This trick has been around for years, but you might not have come across yet. Your Apple headphone’s volume buttons can also act as shutter buttons, which means you can capture photos with one hand while holding your phone aloft with another.

For your perfect selfies, you can prop your iPhone up somewhere and use the headphones as a wired remote. This might save you from a lot of stress, having to awkwardly juggle your phone around to reach the software shutter button. You can also put your iPhone on a DIY tripod and take a picture of you and your friends from far away, and it works with videos too.

Apple Bluetooth Headphone
Photo by: Apple

Bluetooth wireless headsets can replicate this exact functionality as well. Any compatible Bluetooth headset with volume controls extricate you to place your phone anywhere within range and wirelessly trigger its camera shutter.

Are you freaking out because you are an iPad or iPod touch user? you need not to, because this functionality works on them too.

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