what we do


Mac Repairs

We repair all Macs, from screen cracks to water damages. If it’s mac related then we’ve got you covered. Our Apple Certified Macintosh Technicians can give you a quick fix.








iPhone Repairs

We fix iPhones, iPads, iPods with both hardware and software related issues, software restore, upgrade and customization.








Support for Apple

We support iMacs, PowerBooks, MacBooks, iPads, iPhones, iPads from setup to backup. Software and hardware upgrades, PC to Mac migration and vice versa, Remote access support, Network Management and support, etc.






PC Repairs

We repair Laptops and Desktop computers with all kinds of Hardware and Software issues. We have CompTIA  A+ Certified Technicians to handle all your PC related problems.







Windows Support

We’ve got Microsoft Certified Professionals to support your windows devices, from Setup, Desktop and Server Maintenance, Anti Virus, Data Recovery, Storage and Backup solutions, Virtualization, Azure, Remote Support, Local Office Setup, to everything windows.